Many of you have asked for a copy of Jan’s “Angels of Steel”. Here it is…

Angels of Steel
The angels cry when warriors die,
In distant lands where troubles lie.
Where sadness grows with each new day
and sorrow is not far away.
We fly on planes to reach this place
where death abides within its space.
There is no choice where I may fight
I only trust that it be right.
Each day I wake and say a prayer
to keep us safe and in God’s care.
Yet, knowing well some will not live
and others may not soon forgive.
The wop, wop, wop of copter blades
will drop their cargo, then they fade.
Into the distant sky they fly
with lifeless bags inside do lie.
Like steel angels from above
they bring supplies, our families’ love.
And carry wounded from the field
to places where they may be healed.
So many lost, did not return,
Their final end we’ve never learned.
For years we looked without success,
perhaps today they are at rest.
The scars remain within my soul
that haunts my mind and leaves a hole.
Where once the innocence of youth
was buried by the wrath of Zeus.
The bloody battles the heart must bear,
the mind cannot forget the terror.
But life goes on and must exist
for strength and honor to persist.
Across our country warriors ride
on bikes of steel with humbled pride,
To honor those who gave so much
and not forget the world they’ve touched.
The flag of glory they carry high
Through miles and miles of endless sky,
Reminding all of freedom’s costs,
this hallowed message must not be lost.
And angels cry when warriors die,
In distant lands where troubles lie.
They hold the hope that peace will be
through freedom and democracy.
Janet J. Seahorn, Ph.D
I was amazed at Janet’s insight and I highly respect Tony for the courage to tell your story. Then again, I don’t expect much less from a Black Lion.
–Mike MacDonald
After reading the article in The Coloradoan, I went right out and bought “Tears of a Warrior.” My husband was diagnosed with PTSD about 8 yrs ago, years after I knew SOMETHING was wrong. ..
I just wanted to thank you and your husband for taking the time and effort to create this book. I found it comforting, in a strange way, to know that what I had suspected as far as behavioral issues go, were attributed to the PTSD. Other symptoms you mentioned I had observed so many times, but had not linked them to PTSD. I also found the book depressing (this isn’t the word I want) because I realized that there was no magic formula to eliminate the hurt and pain for me that goes along with all this. It does, I guess, at times help to be able to recognize his unanticipated anger as PTSD and understand the process going on.
So, thank you again for realizing that others out there need to realize how PTSD affects home and family life, and is not just a clinical diagnosis that is easily treated with medication. The best of luck to the two of you.
–Susan Mansfield, Fort Collins CO
I was very moved by your book. I do not have family or friends who have or are currently serving in the war. I know this is a blessing. I do my best to live my life with gratitude and mindfulness every day for our men and women serving our country, but I have also felt lost and unsure and even somewhat unworthy of how to show support and doing what I can to help.
I think your book will be and has been extremely helpful for family members and veterans. I work closely with individuals of a different population who suffer from PTSD and I really appreciated the information you provided and were able to explain on what PTSD is like for soldiers returning from combat.
–Cynthia Hansford, Fort Collins CO