Southeast Asia Trip
Filed Under Return To Vietnam
On New Year’s Day, Jan & I will be flying from Denver to Hong Kong to begin our 3-week journey through Southeast Asia. This will be my first return to Vietnam since my military tour-of-duty in the late 1960’s.
This blog, “Return To Vietnam” will be used to briefly chronicle the highlights of our trip as we move south to Hanoi, then on to Danang & Hue and eventually to the Delta Region of Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City).
We will also venture on to Thailand, Cambodia and end up in Singapore.
Our plan is to update our blog about every three days as we move through the various regions of our trip.
4 Responses to “Southeast Asia Trip”
I have googled Viet Nam on “google maps” and plan on following your trip as you travel. I will enter the “satellite” button and zoom-in and will almost be able to see your every move. Have a safe trip and stay strong as you visit what was once a war zone in which you strived to survive.
May God bless.
Wish we had today’s satellite technology in 1968.
We certainly would have been less lost on some of our missions! Thanks for your support as always.
I am very excited about following you during your trip back into yesteryear. Although the country has changed and healed itself, your trip will no doubt bring me back to a time still remembered. Through you I hope to gain a little of my own healing as well.
God’s Speed.
Dixie and I were privileged to meet with Janet and Tony for lunch the day before their departure flight to SE Asia (31-Dec); our good friends Meghan and Jason joined us as well.
Like Tony, Jason is a combat vet (Iraq), still active duty Army, who suffered a TBI/PTSD (traumatic brain injury) in 2006; Meghan, much like Jan, has been learning how to help and support her husband, and together they’re learning the “new normal” of coping with his injury.
We had a wonderful lunch and long, 3-hour conversation together. In addition to starting to forge new friendships, much of our time was spent discussing and planning our forthcoming radio show, a conversation about PTSD/TBI on “Walking A Walk”, Castle Rock Radio (, now set for February 12th at 10:00am. We’re dedicating a 2-hour special broadcast for Jan and Tony, and Jason and Meghan will join us as well.
Jan & Tony: Travel well and safely! Bring us back tons of photos and stories! We’ll see you back home soon!
our love,
— Lorin & Dixie
— Jason & Meghan