fine-black-lines1A few weeks ago, during a book publication meeting, I met a lovely lady, Lois Hjelmstad, who had written a book, Fine Black Lines, of reflections of how she survived cancer told in journal entries, reflections, poetry, and photographs. One of her poems reflected what many veterans and their families have experienced when living with PTSD.  Since many of life’s challenges have “emotional” similarities, I thought our blog readers might find this particular selection meaningful. 

It’s best to act normal…

To say, “I’m just fine.”

What everyone wants is

A positive sign.


Just smile and say thank you

When people will ask.

One mustn’t let on that

Each day is a task.


Friends keep on calling…

You know they mean well.

But really they’d rather

For you not to tell


Each symptom, each detail,

Each wearisome day.

Or mention that small fear

You can’t drive away.


An illness gets tiring…

For them and for you.

The difference is simple…

They get to quit.

( © 2003  Lois Hjelmstad)



Wouldn’t it be great if, when the demons appear, one could simply say, “I Quit”, and everything would be normal?  The reality of the situation is that warriors Never Quit, they keep on going no matter what battles they are waging.  For that, my friends, is the very essence of a true warrior.




One Response to “Good Morning, How Are You?”

  1. Tony on June 16th, 2009 7:56 pm

    Thanks for your comment.
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    Tony & Janet Seahorn