• By Janet J. Seahorn, Ph.D.
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    Did you know that the flower of Ukraine is the sunflower, a flower that symbolizes joy, sunshine and hope? Right now, that special and resilient flower is dying by the hundreds in a land that has tried for several decades to embrace democracy and freedom.
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    The world is watching as Putin, much like Hitler, is moving to expand his power and empire through the death and destruction of the Ukrainian people. He is not just destroying communities; he is destroying the very principles of a democratic state that its people have enjoyed and cherished. They are fighting an overwhelming challenging battle that is testing the very core of so many Ukrainian individuals. Each day I watch in awe of their courage and bravery, and I wonder how many of us in America often take our freedom – our very way of life –  for granted.
    Democracy does not come easily. It is a demanding mistress that requires each of us to search for truth and not merely accept what social media and various news stations and personalities try to make us believe. It necessitates every person to do his/her part to stand up for what is right, what is decent, and what is for the good of our nation. We have only to watch Putin as he controls the airways telling the Russian people only what he wants them to hear, to know.
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    He tells them he is protecting them from a corrupt Ukrainian government and leader. His lies are much like those of Hitler, if he can make his countrymen afraid of something outside of Russia, he can lead them without much internal resistance. His war of destruction makes him even richer, but it is greater power that he most desires. Putin can’t afford to have a democratic country so close to his “kingdom”. It threatens his very existence or at least that is what he believes.
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    We see similar language in our country that provokes hate, spreads lies and ultimately incites distrust among our people. History has shown us time and again, a nation divided can be easily conquered.
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    Unlike Ukraine it will not be outside forces that destroy our democracy; we will implode ourselves from within. Albert Einstein has a profound quote that I keep on my desk every day to remind me of what I need to examine and be brave enough to live; “If I were to remain silent, I’d be guilty of complicity.”
    As we watch, pray and grieve for the dying sunflowers, let us never forget that we are similarly summoned to strengthen and support our beautiful country least we lose our own freedoms and fragile democracy.
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By Janet J. Seahorn Ph.D.

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It is the day after January 6, 2021 and I could not sleep no matter how hard I tried.  The thoughts and experiences of this past year and then yesterday were way too vivid.  Even though my family is in good health, the grief and turmoil that so many others have faced and continue to endure can be overwhelming. As a former teacher I worry greatly about all the children in our world and the adult issues they are facing only with the understanding of a young mind. It reminded me of the Christmas letter Virginia O’Hanlon wrote to The New York City Sun, a well read newspaper in 1897.  This is my version as a result of a lack of sleep.


Dear Country,

I am an eight year old girl. Some of my friends say there is no longer a United States of America. They say that people are too divided and that we will never come together or agree on anything again. Since my parents state I can no longer rely on some newspapers or television people to tell me the truth I am asking that someone in our country, perhaps even our Supreme Court justices can give me an honest answer.

Yours truly, Virginia

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Dear Virginia,

Your friends and even many adults are wrong.  “They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical era.”  They refuse to believe in truth, decency, and goodness even though they know in their hearts what is real or what is false. For some reason, Virginia, you and many of your friends are so much better at deciding truth and accepting each other for who you are rather than how much money you may have, what religion you belong to, or what political ideologies your parents adhere.  Children don’t really care about these things as much as they care about kindness, compassion, and puppies. Many adults have lost their ability to ask questions, to seek what is genuine, to be brave in the challenge of uncertainty, and to trust in hope over fear.  Most children are very smart at questioning everything, being brave, and trusting in things unseen like unicorns and angels.

Yes, Virginia, there is a United States of America. “It exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.” How discouraging and dangerous our world would be without a United United States of America. There would be no beacon of hope for other people in nations and countries without a strong democracy. There would be no faith that there exists in this world people and nations who value truth, integrity and acceptance of others and who believe all men and women are indeed created equal.

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Not to believe in a United States of America would be giving up on peace, light and joy only to have us live in a world filled with hatred, doubt, and darkness.  Not to believe in a United States of America would be to give up trying to understand others, only focus on the act of getting instead of giving. How sad it would be to stop forgiving and only hold on to bitterness. Not to believe in a United States of America would be to forget and dishonor the immense sacrifice so many men, women and families have given over countless wars so that we can be a country that honors the freedom to vote, the freedom to choose our leaders, and the freedom to honor our sacred commitment to equality.

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Dear Virginia, in this world there is no greater gift than that of Freedom. No United United States of America would make sure we are no longer a truly great and strong country. No United States of America tells our enemies that we no longer care or stand for the ideals that our forefathers created in our Constitution. Most of all, no United States of America is totally unbearable because our country must always survive in order to ensure the best and most resilient life for you and your friends.

GOD bless you, Virginia, and GOD bless America.

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