Forgetting Is Costly
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by Janet J. Seahorn, Ph.D
I think our nation has selective forgetfulness. So many of her people are choosing to forget the cost of freedom because so few have ever had to put their lives on the line to secure it. So many are choosing to forget the price of democracy because they have never had to experience anything other than this priceless gift of independence. So many are choosing to forget that a country that values democracy must first make sure that they elect leaders who have some higher moral code of decency such as – truth over lies, good over evil, unity over division, and hope over hate – just to name a few.
It seems like over the last few decades we as people in this great nation have turned our political affiliations into more of a sports game, ME vs.THEM… never US. If I control the playpen I will refuse to let anyone or anything in that doesn’t align with my limited beliefs. America and Americans in the past have been able to work together to consider the greater good. Leaders have been able to cross party lines and reflect on the WE versus ME. Now it seems if someone in the “control” party tries to cross the line and listen to the other side he/she is ridiculed, ostracized and often threatened with IMMPECHMENT. This is not how the democratic system works.
The old saying “A nation divided will fall” or “United we stand, divided we fall” are not just euphemisms they are accurate predictions of what happens when various parties become self-obsessed with their personal agendas without any real concern for protecting our constitution, our nation, our people. Are we really going to want and support a dictatorship where the person or party in charge can and certainly will do whatever they please to gain more power or resources? Unfortunately, I have read and heard too many say either “that won’t ever happen”, or “maybe that is what we really need”. These individuals have no idea what it means to live in a country that is run by a tyrant. If this is what you want then you must ask yourself when (and there will be a when) a different party or person is elected and wants to follow the same unhealthy authoritarianism. What will you have to say then because you will have already given permission for anyone and any party to force their mindsets on others the way it is being forced on others now.
Truly I could care less if a candidate is a Republican, Democrat or Independent – I have and will continue to support the person who is most qualified both morally and intellectually to run our country from small offices to major elections. I will refuse to back any person who puts him or herself above our democracy, our constitution.
Too many lives have been sacrificed, too much blood has been spilled to ever deem this is acceptable.
Filed Under America, American Patriotism, Blessings, Freedom, Gratitude, Happiness, Healing, Hope, New Year, Patriots, Peace, Tears, Tears of a Warrior, United States of America, Vote | Comments Off on YES, VIRGINIA THERE STILL IS A UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
By Janet J. Seahorn Ph.D.
It is the day after January 6, 2021 and I could not sleep no matter how hard I tried. The thoughts and experiences of this past year and then yesterday were way too vivid. Even though my family is in good health, the grief and turmoil that so many others have faced and continue to endure can be overwhelming. As a former teacher I worry greatly about all the children in our world and the adult issues they are facing only with the understanding of a young mind. It reminded me of the Christmas letter Virginia O’Hanlon wrote to The New York City Sun, a well read newspaper in 1897. This is my version as a result of a lack of sleep.
Dear Country,
I am an eight year old girl. Some of my friends say there is no longer a United States of America. They say that people are too divided and that we will never come together or agree on anything again. Since my parents state I can no longer rely on some newspapers or television people to tell me the truth I am asking that someone in our country, perhaps even our Supreme Court justices can give me an honest answer.
Yours truly, Virginia
Dear Virginia,
Your friends and even many adults are wrong. “They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical era.” They refuse to believe in truth, decency, and goodness even though they know in their hearts what is real or what is false. For some reason, Virginia, you and many of your friends are so much better at deciding truth and accepting each other for who you are rather than how much money you may have, what religion you belong to, or what political ideologies your parents adhere. Children don’t really care about these things as much as they care about kindness, compassion, and puppies. Many adults have lost their ability to ask questions, to seek what is genuine, to be brave in the challenge of uncertainty, and to trust in hope over fear. Most children are very smart at questioning everything, being brave, and trusting in things unseen like unicorns and angels.
Yes, Virginia, there is a United States of America. “It exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.” How discouraging and dangerous our world would be without a United United States of America. There would be no beacon of hope for other people in nations and countries without a strong democracy. There would be no faith that there exists in this world people and nations who value truth, integrity and acceptance of others and who believe all men and women are indeed created equal.
Not to believe in a United States of America would be giving up on peace, light and joy only to have us live in a world filled with hatred, doubt, and darkness. Not to believe in a United States of America would be to give up trying to understand others, only focus on the act of getting instead of giving. How sad it would be to stop forgiving and only hold on to bitterness. Not to believe in a United States of America would be to forget and dishonor the immense sacrifice so many men, women and families have given over countless wars so that we can be a country that honors the freedom to vote, the freedom to choose our leaders, and the freedom to honor our sacred commitment to equality.
Dear Virginia, in this world there is no greater gift than that of Freedom. No United United States of America would make sure we are no longer a truly great and strong country. No United States of America tells our enemies that we no longer care or stand for the ideals that our forefathers created in our Constitution. Most of all, no United States of America is totally unbearable because our country must always survive in order to ensure the best and most resilient life for you and your friends.
GOD bless you, Virginia, and GOD bless America.